ISODestPathChanged event   

Indicates an ISO/Joliet file or directories image path has changed because of a renaming operation. The image destination path is essentially a key (for the control's internal item collection) for each item in the image. If this key is used in your application to reference an item (e.g. TreeView node), after a directory has been renamed, the key will be invalid because all child items now have a different destination path. This event lets the new key for a child item be assigned to a GUI element if necessary. For example, an image directory named '\Root1' has a child file with the image destination path of '\Root1\File1.txt'. If the directory is renamed to '\NewName', the child file will need its destination path changed to '\NewName\File1.txt'. this event communicates this change in a destination path. 


Sub object_ISODestPathChanged(OldDestPath As String, NewDestPath As String, IsDirectory As Boolean)

The ISODestPathChanged event syntax has these named arguments:

Part Description